Sunday, June 12, 2016

June 12 - Voldsfilm

Jan Are, Arve, and I would resurrect Coma and play together a weekend here and a weekend there, and it usually resulted in some sort of "demo" tape. Now, we did not spend a dime on studio time, but working at Radio Ung had its advantages. We usually recorded the music on the Philips Spatial tape deck strategically placed (we experimented with the placement so it would get as much clarity and balance between the instruments as possible) and then we recorded the vocals in the studio first onto reel to reel tapes, then back onto cassettes. Jon Inge would be in the studio helping Arve and I out with that part.

The myth of Coma has it that the reason we were able to get the kind of sound we got was that it was the Spatial stereo... Not quite sure about that, but for a DIY basement/garage kind of deal, it wasn't all that bad.

In 1989, we were asked to play at a triple birthday party. One person turned 18, on turned 17, and one turned 15, which meant that together, they turned 50. Our Philips D8310 came with us to document the performance, and one of the more rabble rousing performances was the song Voldsfilm (violent movie). I opened the song by stating that we'd been a little quiet until this point - and you can hear the rest for yourself. This is the live recording of Voldsfilm from 1989. I play guitar and sing, Arve plays bass, and Jan Are plays the drums.

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