Saturday, June 04, 2016

June 4 - In A Silent Way

Today's song is really not a song, but a 20 minute long instrumental piece by the master himself, Miles Davis. This was, I believe, the very first Miles Davis CD I ever purchased, and I purchased it because I read a book by Ketil Bjørnstad, a Norwegian pianist, composer, and author, who musically moves effortlessly between jazz and contemporary classical music. After reading his biographies, it is clear that he got into music through In A Silent Way, and in one of his books, I believe it was Skumringsmulighetene, he describes In A Silent Way in such a way that I simply needed to hear it, and since this was in the days before Youtube, I had to purchase the CD. It was discounted, so it wasn't a big expense - although it certainly led to more purchases as I started exploring Miles Davis a little bit more.

I should say that this wasn't my first exposure to Miles - not too long after he died, jazz students at Trondheim Music Conservatory held a concert at the National Museum of Decorative Arts and Design in Trondheim, and I just happened to be about at the right time, and I was quite blown away by what I heard. But I really didn't go out and explore his music until after I read what Ketil Bjørnstad had written - so today it's time to enjoy In A Silent Way.

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