Tuesday, July 19, 2016

July 19 - Dickie's Such An Asshole

OK - it's official: No theme this week. Today's song is inspired by yesterday's headlines, where some are drawing clear lines from Trump back to Richard Nixon, who in turn inspired Frank Zappa to write this nice little song satirizing Tricky Dickie and Watergate back in 1973. He took it out again on his spectacular 1988 tour, and it was included on Broadway The Hard Way, which is a solid collection of Zappa songs. Two other releases came from that tour: Make a Jazz Noise Here and The Best Band You Never Heard In Your Life. Between these three releases, you have the real foundation for my appreciation of Zappa. I wish he was alive today - he'd have a field day over the trump ascendance. After all, he had his own personal vendetta running against televangelists in 1988, including Jimmy Swaggart, who quite frequently was his target (the Beatles medley on this tour was never released, but exists in unofficial formats and is well worth listening to for their takedown of Swaggart).

Living in Michigan, this also has to be dedicated to our beloved widely despised governor, Richard Snyder, who didn't really worry too much about lead levels in the water of Flint, Michigan until it became politically expedient (and inescapable) to do so. The same governor who installed the person in charge in Flint who made the determination of switching water supply to a more corrosive source than they originally had.

So yes, there are quite a few deserving people. mr. trump, this one's to you (capitalization left out to conform to hand size).

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