Sunday, July 03, 2016

July 3 - Homophobia

Today's song has always been difficult to listen to for me. The opening verse creates an image that I have been unable since I first heard it in the mid-90s. I know Chumbawamba is best known for just one song, and that is Tubthumping, but I have always preferred their album Anarchy from 1994 - the opening trio of songs, Give the Anarchist a Cigarette, Timebomb, and Homophobia is a three-headed political and musical beast - but the crowning achievement has to be Homophobia. The dark and serious lyrics are belied by the happy and naive melody. This is British brilliance at its best.

Oh - and my personal position on the topic? Love whomever you love, regardless of gender. Nothing more needs to be said.

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