Monday, August 29, 2016

August 29 - Nothing To Say

Today's song is yet another example of how important Motorpsycho has been for my musical tastes. I keep coming back to the album Demon Box, not only because it was my first meeting with Motorpsycho  but also because it has become my go-to album.  It is an album that spans so widely in genres and musical moods  that it doesn't really matter what kind of mood I am in, there is always something on Demon Box that will match it. If I am angry, the title track or Mountain, both songs that already have been featured as songs of the day, are great outlets of energy. If I'm a little bit melancholic, the psychedelic sounds of Come On In and Tuesday Morning match that mood perfectly - or Plan #1 if I want to go dark. And if I want an uplifting song, well, there is Nothing To Say.

Although uplifting may be taking it a little too far... The lyrics open with the perfect description of Donald Trump:

"With words big as headlines,
The gospel according to you
Is broadcast on frequencies
To frequent to see through

But you got nothing to say to me"

Cue ultra cheesy and funny video.

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