Friday, July 28, 2017

2017 - July 28 - Churchill's Speech/Aces High

Saturday I went to the movies to see Christopher Nolan's masterpiece Dunkirk. I didn't know the story - but I was familiar with Churchill's words that we get acquainted with at the end of the movie thanks to Iron Maiden's WWII fighter pilot tribute Aces High, which live was paired with an excerpt from Churchill's speech from 1940.

Dunkirk is simply put the best war movie I have ever seen bar none. The pictures combined with the music (and the sound of a clock ticking incessantly) created a tension that really made me feel uneasy. There was very limited dialogue, and there was very little of the fast paced editing that we see in so many movies these days - and when it did happened, it was to heighten the confusion to make you feel you were part of the situation rather than watching it in a comfortable movie theater. There was also no gore and very limited amounts of blood. It wasn't needed to make me feel queasy. This is a movie that captures what I can only imagine is what war really can feel like, especially if you just are sitting ducks on a beautiful sandy beach, with troops advancing from the inland and airstrikes stopping anything from happening from the sea.

Now I know that I don't know what war feels like, but I have seen reports of veterans of Dunkirk saying it was like being back there again. But I do think we all need the reminder of the senselessness of war from time to time, and this is a great reminder. If there aren't massive accolades and awards to this movie for best picture and best direction, there'd better be some exceptional movies coming, as this was by far the best movie experience I have had in a long, long time. Not that I haven't seen other great movies, but this was something very different. This is a movie that deserves to be viewed on the big screen. Do not wait for it to be available at home through BluRay or DVD.

Thank you, Christopher Nolan. You delivered a movie so much better than I imagined. Now for the rest of you: Go see this movie! And in the meantime, listen to Churchill's words and Iron Maiden's Aces High.

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