Friday, August 11, 2017

2017 - August 11 - Detroit Rock City

I discovered Alex Skolnick through the thrash outfit Testament. I purchased the album The Legacy on tape in 1986, when it first was released. A couple of years later I was so excited about finding their second album, The New Order, on a band trip to Austria (or was this the one to Germany?) that I left the rest of my money on the record store counter... Luckily, our band director spoke decent German and the cashier had kept the money, so I was able to get it back - it was all the money I had left...

Just a couple of years ago, I found Alex Skolnick through his jazz trio, where he plays jazz versions of classic rock and heavy metal songs, and today I have picked the opener from the trio's debut album, Goodbye To Romance: Standards For A New Generation from 2002. You might recognize this from the Kiss album Destroyer, where it also was the opener. Please enjoy Detroit Rock City getting the jazz treatment...

And here in a live version.

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