Friday, April 29, 2016

April 29 - Alison

It's already been 12 years. Just like with Emma, Alison was a scheduled induction;  however, the schedule became a little more difficult as United Memorial Hospital in Greenville had several first time moms who occupied all the nice birthing suites.  We ended up in the old birthing unit, where the amenities clearly showed signs of aging. I had to go to work in the morning, as I was low on available sick time, but I did make it in time for the birth. And what a birth it was.

 Any plan of anesthesia was quickly abandoned as the anesthesiologist left the room stating, "she is crowning." The stirrups were not up yet so I became a manual stirrup. And when she was born, they still hadn't cleared off the baby warmer which had been used as storage for towels and other linens.  She came out quickly, with an urgency to be here, and I still see that urgency in the way she lives her life.

 When it came to naming Alison I was very happy that we agreed on the name without too much problem. There was no fighting over Emma's name either,  but I was very happy that I could name  my second daughter after song that I truly love. The song is by Elvis Costello, and it's from his debut album called My Aim Is True, and we retained the traditional British spelling with one l. It was one of his first singles,  and I thought it appropriate that I play the song on her 12th birthday. Please enjoy Elvis Costello with the song Alison.

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