Saturday, December 24, 2016

December 24 - Ballroom Dancing

So the band was, of course, The Beatles - still the greatest band of all time - and I was looking for Paul McCartney's Ballroom Dancing from Give My Regards To Broad Street (1984). I actually really like this song - it is very catchy in an unmistakable Paul McCartney way. It was originally on Tug of War, which was the first album he released after Wings disbanded and John Lennon was shot. In a world where so many singers deteriorate over time, it is very refreshing to see how Paul McCartney is able to perform so many of his classic song with a very youthful fervor even at 74 years old. My biggest disappointment of 2016 is still in many ways that I was unable to get tickets to see him when he played in Grand Rapids - although I did try.

As for tomorrow - or rather todays window of the musical advent calendar - I am looking for a song where Paul McCartney didn't participate, as one of very few in Britain at the time. However, I remember buying the single and listen to the phone message from him on the b-side. This single launched an avalanche of collaborations in a model that is still used today. It is a very appropriate song for Christmas day. I think that's all the help I will give you. I want to know who started the collaborative project (and was knighted because of it, I believe), what was the name of the project, what was the song, what year, and, since it wasn't on an album, who wrote the song along with the person who started the project?

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